Welcome to H. Eliaden's Warpstation

Hi, I'm H. Eliaden Lowe. You can call me Karu, it's easier. I'm in my 30s and use they/them pronouns. I can be found all over the internet if you look hard enough. I write for Gundam Wing with the occasional dip into Super Smash Brothers when I feel like updating Melee Academy.

If you're here for my Gundam Wing stuff, you're probably looking for my Operation: NORMALCY fanfiction universe. You can find that here: The Index for the Operation: NORMALCY fanfiction universe.

If for some reason you're not here for that, then you're probably here for my Super Smash Brothers modern day high school AU, Melee Academy. You can find information about that series (Melee-Brawl Institute of Higher Learning) here: Welcome to the Melee-Brawl Institute of Higher Learning!.

Some links may not work and that's simply because I didn't put up placeholders or actual pages yet.

If you're here to read some fanfiction, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but your fanfiction is in another castle. You probably came here from Archive of Our Own, and that's where you can find my works. Here's a way to head back there without having to hit the back button a million times: Hikaru Yuy on AO3!

Where in the world is Hikaru Yuy?
Outside of here and AO3, I can be found all over various social media:
Tumblr: the-heero-king
Plurk: karurun
Twitter: queercutemess
Bluesky: heliadenlowe.bsky.social
Discord: heliaden